In Asian cultures, our feet are like the roots of a tree. The sole of the foot has thousands of nerve endings and many acupressure points which are connected to vital organs all over the body. Reflexology is the natural massage practice to relieve pain, tension, stress and increase relaxation in the body by stimulating the reflex areas on the foot. This holistic treatment helps people who have diabetes, high blood pressure, poor circulation and betters sleep quality. Reflexology has also shown effective results in decreasing the discomforts in migraines, back pain, hormonal imbalance, digestive problems, and stress-related conditions.
Included in the treatment: Chinese herbal foot soak, neck and shoulder massage followed by foot treatment (your choice of herbal solution for poor circulation, stress relief or relief of pain in your joints).
Holistic Practitioner Foot Reflexology Prices:
45 Min Foot Reflexology $70 | Now $50
60 Min Foot Reflexology $85 | Now $65
90 Min Foot Reflexology $125 | Now $90
Registered Foot Reflexologist Prices:
30 Min – $60
45 Min – $80
60 Min – $95
90 Min – $135
120 Min – $190
Massage/Reflexology Combo Prices:
30 Min Foot Reflexology + 45 Min Body Massage $125 | NOW $85
60 Min Foot Reflexology + 60 Min Body Massage $165 | NOW $125
Couples Reflexology prices:
45 Min – $70 | Now $50 Two for $95
60 Min – $85 | Now $65 Two for $120
90 Min – $100 | Now $90 Two for $175